Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Careers In Marketing - Utilizing Social Networking

Careers In Marketing - Utilizing Social Networking We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden During college, social networking sites are mostly about connecting with friends, and deciding what to do on the weekend. After graduation however, the way you use social networking can change into something that helps you find the job of choice. All it takes is a little imagination and a change of attitude about what social networking sites can do for you. If youve recently graduated with a shiny new marketing degree, you know that the job market is pretty tough at the moment. If youre about to graduate, youll learn soon enough that just having a degree in marketing isnt enough to separate you from every other candidate out there. In the real world, you need to make your job connections where you can. Ignoring the power of social networking sites is a mistake that most job seekers cant afford to make. Social networking can be an important tool for finding graduate marketing job prospects. Done correctly, it allows job seekers to interact with companies and their employees in a way that is fully controllable, and potentially able to create a positive impression. Taking charge of your social media accounts and activities can turn your social network into a powerful tool for job searches. Furthermore, social networking presents a strong potential for a serious advantage in job hunting. By engaging job prospects, (as well as the current and former employees of these prospects) through social media, job hunters are able to present qualities that might not be apparent from looking at a resume. This additional information can make a candidate stand out from the rest of the pack. Before you even begin applying for jobs: Social networking offers you the chance to present yourself as you would like to be seen. When employers look at a resume, they often see just groups of facts and figures; the font that you use may get more attention than your entire educational and employment history! On the other hand, social networking profiles paint a picture of you, the person. So before you even begin filling out those applications forms, its a good idea to clean up your social networking profiles first. It is not unheard of for prospective employers to search social networks when considering potential applicants and what they find could have bearing on their decision to employ you or not. Are there any off-color comments or embarrassing pictures that you might not want a prospective employer to be able to see? If there are, delete them, or at least change the privacy settings on your accounts so that only those people in your life who get the joke have access to that particular material. Networking, social style: Social networking sites allow people in various professions to join target groups for the purpose of networking with their peers. As a job seeker, its a good idea for you to join one or two of these groups. Once youve joined a community of your desired peers; be active. The more outspoken you are, the more likely it is that youll be noticed. Answer questions, and dont forget to ask a few of your own. Despite what the experts say, the rules of social networking are still evolving. If you can think of an interesting way to look for job opportunities through social networking, go for it. The only constant in this world, is that social networking is the most intimate way to gain access to people who may be able to help you out, or at least point you in the direction of someone who can. Finding opportunities: Even before you graduate, you can begin building these networks and forging relationships you can reach out to in the future. If your course included a work based placement then take full advantage of it and make acquaintances with marketing departments in companies you come into contact with. The saying it is not what you know, but who you know is never more true when it comes to climbing the career ladder and the more influential people you come into contact with the greater your chances of landing that dream position. Maintaining relationships and developing contacts is vital in a world where it seems everything revolves around social environments. Networking via social media has revolutionized not only the way in which we interact with others on a personal level but also on a professional level. Networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus have changed the way in which we share, read and discover news and information. In many respects social media has changed the way we build and maintain relationships with people important to us, both personally and professionally. The power of social networking on a professional basis and essentially for the purpose of job hunting, comes in the ability to create profiles and reach out to people who are relevant and similar to us. For those looking for marketing graduate jobs, it presents a good opportunity to discover personnel and marketing managers with whom you can connect directly. Joining groups and other networks can also lead you to sources of helpful advice and tips as well as finding more acquaintances. Remember though, your profile is your sales page, showcasing everything you have to offer so if you get this right then you have a powerful platform with which to get their attention and hopefully initiate further contact. Additional Resources 5 Tips for Using Social Media When Job Hunting The adoption of social media means graduates will have a powerful tool at their fingertips with which to engage and connect. Showcasing your potential, qualifications and personality through your profile pages can help to set you apart from competitors and give you the edge when it comes to landing job opportunities. Book Corner [easyazon_link asin=B00IU1SAW6 locale=US new_window=default nofollow=default tag=caree07-20 add_to_cart=default cloaking=default localization=default popups=default]Network for a Job: The PeopleHirePeople process to build a job-specific network[/easyazon_link] Bio: Sabrina Grymen is interested in the digital world, enjoys blogging on careers advice, networking and social media. This is a Guest post. We are always eager to hear from our readers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions regarding CareerAlley content. Good luck in your search,Joey Google+ Job Search job title, keywords, company, location jobs by //

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