Friday, May 8, 2020

Harried Holiday Blues

Harried Holiday Blues As we head into the final hours before  Christmas, heres where Im at: The cookies are baked, the presents mostly wrapped, and Im off to Wegmans to stock up. But I cant stop thinking  about family and friends Ive lost the ones who wont be there to open gifts, share a laugh or send a Christmas card to. I think about the legacy they left. I think about what the world will be like without the ones I love now. Be present while opening presents! Savor the family, food and fun (ok, not always fun, but together-time). Reach out and say hello, cheers or some other message you need them to hear! Sing, dance or play an instrument! Lose yourself in the moment! This is a busy time of year for many. It is also a time of year when many suffer the blues.  But before you know it, it will all be over and well  be celebrating the new year. Crazy how fast time zips by. I also worry about what the future holds. I get nervous about our political system, fracking, violence in schools, and the hurting middle-class. And yet I know, worrying isnt the answer. The solution isnt easy, but I want to help make a difference in the world. I dont want my life to fly by without leaving a mark. I may not be able to save the world, but I can do my part. I have to. And this is what I hope youll think about too. Can you make a difference? Start small and local if you doubt it. Join a club, group or committee. Help a neighbor. Assist a stranger. Say hello. Smile. Any of these can get the wheel in motion. As for the bigger worries and challenges we face as a nation and as a world that will come in time. Small steps. Before signing off for a few days, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! Be on the look out for the last post of the year!    Ive asked many of my colleagues, great thinkers on careers and job search, what they think the hot trends are for 2015. Stay tuned!

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